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Roberto M. Serra

Assoc. Professor of Quamtum Technology

Roberto Serra, Roberto M. Serra, R. M. Serra
Short Bio

I run a quantum information science and technology research group at UFABC, in São Paulo metropolitan area, Brazil. I obtained my PhD in Physics from UFSCar (São Carlos, Brazil) and performed postdoctoral research at Imperial College London (UK). I was an associate member of the ICTP in Trieste (Italy). I also was a Royal Society ‘Newton Advanced Fellow’ of the  University of York (UK). My research interest is quite broad concerning quantum mechanics and its implications for information science or vice-versa. Such interest also embraces quantum thermodynamics. I am involved with both theoretical and experimental research. I have a penchant for the exciting challenge of translating abstract theoretical ideas to a laboratory setting. Part of my free time is dedicated to home brewing; exploring different flavours that arising from new hops and malted barley combinations.

Research keywords: Quantum Information Science, Quantum Computation, Quantum Communication, Quantum Physics, Quantum Technologies, Quantum Thermodynamics.

Research Highlights
Finacial Support

Our research has been funded by several supporting agencies


Federal University of ABC (UFABC)

Avenida dos Estados, 5001.

09210-580, Santo André, São Paulo, Brazil

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